BlackJack Game

The most popular card game offered in 온라인카지노 is blackjack. This form of play is a modification of the game “Seventeen and Four”; an originally French card game of chance, which was very popular in France, especially in the 18th century. The aim of Black Jack is to use any number of cards to achieve a number of points that is as close as possible to 21 points. For a win, your own number of points must be closer to said 21 points than that of the croupier (game master).

History of the BlackJack Game

Games of chance have existed in China for more than 4,000 years, and later they were also used in Greece or Rome to pass the time. The first 52-card decks were known in Europe in the 17th century; The beginnings of Black Jack can be found around 100 years later with the already mentioned game “Seventeen and Four”, which is also known as “vingt-et-un” or “twenty-and-one”. In blackjack, a special rule was introduced - at the beginning - compared to “seventeen and four”, which states that a player whose first two cards are an ace of spades and a jack of spades is entitled to an additional win. The name “Black Jack” comes from English because here the jack is referred to as Jack. The addition of “Black” is probably due to the fact that spades are black. Today one speaks of a “Black Jack” when the first two cards consist either of the combinations of spades and face cards (jack, queen, king) or spades and ten.

After the French Revolution, blackjack came to the United States and became one of the most popular games offered in 사설카지노. Gamblers who dealt with this on a professional level didn't take long to find out that the chances of winning could be heavily manipulated here. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that the United States government realized that corruption and organized crime were behind gambling. As a result, a law was passed in the USA in 1910, which made gambling in casinos illegal. However, this only ensured that gambling was further criminalized in the USA, which is why the state of Nevada classified gambling as legal again. In addition, other laws were passed to protect gamblers. In the rest of the states, however, nothing was changed, which is why Las Vegas became the center of gambling in the United States. Science was also interested in blackjack - this was particularly the case in the 1950s. Blackjack was scientifically interesting because from a mathematical point of view it is not easy to calculate the most profitable strategies possible. So that the so-called “Holy BlackJack Grail” - roughly the basic strategy of Black Jack - could be found, a large sum of money was invested.

The introduction of Black Jack in German casinos

The gambling business in Germany picked up speed from around the 18th century. Bad Homburg, Wiesbaden and Baden-Baden in particular were known for their casinos. As a result, spas and bathing resorts were the main places of interest for gambling. However, gambling was completely banned in Germany in 1872; It was not until 1948 that German casinos could really be operated successfully again. At that time, roulette was mainly offered. At the beginning of the 1970s, blackjack was added to roulette as a further game in almost all German casinos. The cards were always drawn from a card slide, which contained cards from four to six decks. This differentiated one from the USA, for example, because there were always tables at which cards from only one deck - from the dealer's hand - could be drawn. In the course of the following years, the number of casinos in Germany exceeded the 20 limits. The minimum stakes were very low at the time, which is why gambling became more and more popular and the number of casinos continued to grow. In Germany, electronic shuffling machines are currently being used more and more frequently, eliminating the need to pause for shuffling the cards in the card tray after one pass.

The rules and the flow of the game

Blackjack is usually played with six decks of 52 cards each. These cards correspond to the French hand, which has the color values ​​of clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds. A total of 312 cards are in use. Up to seven players sit at a semicircular table with a dealer (also called a croupier). When allocating the seats, it should be noted that the straight side of the table is reserved for the dealer. The players in blackjack have the goal of having two or more cards compared to the D


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